Friday, April 30, 2010

Flea vfx!

Super excited to have been chosen to be the visual effects supervisor for Flea, the new narrative feature film* Flea (written/directed by the multi-talented Suza Lambert Bowser). I'm Malcolm DeSoto and I've been working in motion graphics and compositing in the commercial realm for about 5 years now. I can not express the pure energy rushing through my being to be able to do all of the vfx on a full-length feature.

In total, we've got about 25 VFX shots. The script includes everything from a character shooting lightning from his palms to a super natural woman who manifests herself as an enormous cloud of ravens and black matter :0

All of the effects in this film will be a challenge for sure. I'm looking forward to tackling every shot and making it look as real and compelling as possible. We're already in the testing stages and things are looking pretty damn good, if I don't so say myself.

Keep your eyes PEELED for more updates to come...

1 comment:

  1. you rock, malcolm. the lightning test is shockingly impressive!
